Anti-Discrimination Laws Are Wielded against a Shelter for Battered Women

National Review Online

By: Howard Slugh & Aylana Meisel

August 16, 2018

There is a concept in Judaism that unnecessary stringency, even in the pursuit of positive goals, can have negative effects. This is similar to the idea of unintended consequences. A recent incident involving a women’s shelter in Anchorage, Alaska, illustrates how, taken to an overzealous extreme, even a sincere attempt to protect the dignity of some can cause tremendous suffering to others. In that case and others, self-righteous bureaucrats have distorted anti-discrimination laws to persecute religious and traditional Americans.

On the night of January 28, 2018, an employee answered a knock on the door of the Downtown Hope Center, a women’s shelter that provides a safe place for battered women and those who have escaped sex-trafficking. She expected to find another woman in need of a safe place to sleep. Instead, she found a biological male in a nightgown. He was drunk and appeared wounded. The biological man, Timothy Coyle, who identified as a transgender woman, Samantha Coyle, had gotten into a fight and been ejected from a nearby homeless shelter.

Read more here.

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